Beware of Business Brokers Who Make Unsubstantiated Claims


A business broker that you’ve found in the Google search results may have convinced you that they are the best option for your needs, even though you haven’t read this post. Is there a chance that you didn’t search for them on Google and instead received an innocent call from interested purchasers hoping to buy your business? Here’s what you may expect to hear from the broker and how to decipher what they’re saying.

Here’s what you may expect to hear from the broker and how to decipher what they’re saying.

 They Claim That Their Success Is Dependent On Yours.

In exchange for their services, all brokers charge a fee. As a result, the broker has a vested interest in getting you the best deal, which is sensible. In reality, your interests aren’t quite in sync. Competing bids with better terms are possible. Some brokers don’t take those into account. For the sake of their commission, they desire the sale that has the biggest “headline” value. You can work with a San Diego business broker to make sure your goals are in sync.

 “We Have Numerous Buyers – Exploit”

A good tale can entice business owners. Also, the tale of “multitudes of desperate buyers” is an effective one for brokers to entice customers into choosing them. It is rare for business owners to refuse a free offer to advertise their enterprise to many willing buyers. Actually, some brokers benefit from the agreement you make to allow them to advertise your firm for a period of time, typically a year or two.

San Diego business brokers who are good at their job put in a lot of time and effort to locate buyers for you. Using multiple channels, they find out who is in business in your industry by conducting market research, investigating competitors, and conducting due diligence. An enormous amount of preparation must be done. Because they realize that relatively low success comes from subscribers on their list, these brokers don’t try to wow you with their long mail lists.

 ”We’ll conduct a free business valuation for you.”

Brokers, like realtors, have a tendency to exaggerate appraisals. Business brokers, on the other hand, can and do inflate to a considerably greater extent. There is no need to believe a broker who values your home after just five minutes on the phone. As long as your broker has reviewed the last several annual fiscal accounts and learned about the source of your company’s solvency, you know that he has at least the knowledge he needs to make an estimate about the range of prices you may attract if you put your business on the market.

 They Claim A High Success Rate In Their Previous Attempts.

Potential buyers cannot determine how many firms a broker sold and how many they didn’t sell unless you have complete access to their customer base or client list. Despite the lofty claims of brokers, you should take their success statistics with a grain of salt. Although it may seem counterintuitive, it’s occasionally preferable to work with a broker with a relatively lower success rate than one with a high success rate.


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