The practice of these 3 yoga asanas is beneficial in removing the pain of the ankles

The practice of these 3 yogasanas is beneficial in removing the pain of the ankles

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years to keep the body and mind healthy and fit. Looking at the benefits of yoga, today it is spreading all over the world. Regular practice of yoga is considered most beneficial for keeping the mind and body awake, healthy and disease free. In today’s time, due to modern lifestyle, diet and not doing enough physical effort for fitness, people suffer from many diseases. But yoga plays an important role in getting rid of all the problems of the body. Yoga is also practiced to get rid of the problem of pain occurring in any part or part of the body. If you are troubled by the pain in your ankles, then you can get rid of this problem by practicing yoga asanas regularly. Today in this article, we are going to tell you about the practice of some such yoga asanas, by regular practice of which you can get rid of the problem of pain in the ankles.

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Yoga Asanas to get rid of heel pain:

The problem of ankle pain can be due to many reasons. Most of the people take medicines to get rid of this problem. But if you really want to get rid of this problem, then regular practice of yoga is considered very beneficial for this. The practice of these yogasanas is also beneficial in diseases like Plantar Fasciitis. Beneficial in the problem of ankle pain, regular practice of these yoga asanas gives many benefits to the body.


1. Practice of Malasana in the problem of heel pain

Regular practice of Malasana is considered very beneficial to get rid of the problem of pain in the ankles. The word Malasan is made up of two Sanskrit languages. The first word is mala which means garland to be worn around the neck and the second word refers to posture. In this way, when we practice Malasana, our stubbornness remains on the neck in such a way that we are wearing a garland around the neck. This asana is considered very beneficial to keep the body healthy and fit. Regular practice of Malasana gives great benefit to the feet and this asana is very beneficial in the problem of ankle pain.

How to practice Malasana:

  • Before practicing Malsana, stand on a yoga mat in a clean and ventilated place.
  • Now stand in the posture of Tadasana.
  • After this, keeping your spine straight, take the stomach inwards.
  • Taking a deep breath, move both the shoulders upwards and exhale.
  • Now bring both your hands in the posture of pranam.
  • Now take a deep breath and while exhaling, slowly sit down on your knees.
  • After sitting, slowly spread your thighs outwards.
  • Now move your torso between the thighs.
  • Rest the elbows of both the hands on the inner part of the thighs.
  • Now stretch your arms and hold the ankles.
  • Stay in this posture for some time and then come back to normal posture.

Baddha Konasana

2. Practice of Baddha Konasana in Heel Pain:

Regular practice of Baddha Konasana is very beneficial to get rid of the problem of pain in the ankles. It is called Bound Angle Pose in English. Regular practice of this asana benefits the hip, thigh muscles and abdomen. Although the benefits of practicing Baddha Konasana are many, regular practice gives you a lot of benefit in the problem of ankle pain. It is also known as butterfly posture.

How to do Baddha Konasana:

  • To practice Baddha Konasana, first sit on a yoga mat in a clean and ventilated place.
  • Now while exhaling, bend the knees and move the heels towards the pelvis.
  • Keeping the soles of the feet together, take the knee outwards.
  • Now comfortably take your ankles near the pelvis.
  • After this, hold the toes of both your feet with both hands.
  • Now stay in this posture for about 2 to 5 minutes.
  • After that take a breath and come back to normal posture.

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3. Practice of Ustrasana (Ustrasana or Camel Pose)

Regular practice of Ustrasana is very beneficial in the problem of ankle pain. The word Ustrasana is made up of two Sanskrit words, first Ushtra meaning camel and second Sun which means posture. This is the reason why Ustrasana is called Camel Pose in English. Regular practice of Ustrasana brings flexibility in the body and all parts of the body get benefits. The digestive power of people who practice Ustrasana regularly is very strong. The practice of Ustrasana is also very beneficial in the pain of the ankles. The practice of Ustrasana is considered beneficial in the problem of pain in the ankles due to any kind of injury or other reasons.

How to do Ustrasana:

  • To practice Ustrasana, first sit on a yoga mat.
  • Now sit on your knees and rest both hands on the hips.
  • After this, keep your knees parallel to the shoulders and keep the soles on the top.
  • Now while pulling the breath inwards, take the spinal cord downwards.
  • During this, do not put pressure on the neck and stay straight.
  • Stay in this position for some time and then come back.

By regular practice of these yoga asanas, you can benefit from ankle pain and many other problems related to feet. If you are going to practice these yoga postures in the beginning, then do it under the supervision of a yoga expert or doctor. It will be beneficial only if you practice it properly.


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