How to Write Your First Blog Post in WordPress

write first blog

Don’t have any idea how you can start your first blog on your WordPress website? Most of the users suffer from this problem as they make an account on the website. But didn’t know how to write an SEO-based blog that helps them to get more traffic.

Are you facing such problems too? If you are looking for some methods that will help you improve your website’s engagement. And reach with business WordPress themes, then this article is best for you.

Here, we will discuss the steps and tips that will help you write your first blog post on your WordPress website with proper guidance. Which results in putting your best at top of the Google Search list. So, let’s find out.

How to Write the First Blog In WordPress?

Opening an account on WordPress is not enough if you want the desired reach and customers on your website, then you need good content on your blogs or website.

Therefore, it’s time to find out the steps that every user needs to follow to write their first blog on a business WordPress themes website.

  1. How to Create a New Blog Post in WordPress

The first step is to log in with WordPress and open the WordPress dashboard. To start blogging, click on the ‘posts’ section and select add new.

Now you need to start writing your blog with a catchy title. After that, you need to write a post on the big white box that is given below the title section. On the right-hand side, you will see various options like save, status, preview, and many more under the publishing section.

After you write the content, click on the ‘Save Draft’ to save the changes and your content on the WordPress account with business WordPress themes.

You can also see how the viewers will see your blog in the ‘Preview’ section and you can edit the content anytime by clicking on the edit option.

  1. How to Add Headings

If you want to add a different heading to your article, then click on the Drop-down menu which is located at the bottom left. In WordPress, all the headings are set as Paragraphs by default and you can change them.  By choosing among the option like heading 1, heading 2, and many more as per your business WordPress themes.

*If you are a beginner and at the initial level, then it’s better to go with heading 2, heading 3, and heading 4 for your blog. Heading 1 is mostly used for the title purpose and that will confuse the viewers between the main title and headings.

  1. How To Add Link

Adding a link to your content gives you an advantage as it makes the readers interested and you can use the link to promote different websites too. Therefore, it is important to have a link on your WordPress website with your business WordPress themes.

To add the link, you need to highlight the text in which you want to put the link from your content. After that, go to the menu section and you will find a link icon on the section. A pop-up window will open in which you can add the URL of the website which you want to add to your content.

Paste the URL and click on the blue icon that shows as an arrow sign and the link will be added to your text.

  1. How To Add Images and Media

With images, the customer would feel more connected with the blogs and articles and have a better understanding. To add the images, click on the ‘Add Media’ section and select the image or clipart that you want to add to your WordPress blog to support the business WordPress themes.

after selecting the photos, you need to click on the Insert option and the images will automatically be added to your blogs.

Type of Blog Post

There are several types of blog post you’ll want to become familiar with. The more types of post you offer, the more interest you generate.

Audiences thrive on innovation, variety and entertainment. Give them the same thing with the same formula all the time and they will quickly get bored.

The main types of blog post include:

List Posts
List posts, or ‘listicles’ as they are also known are those posts we see that are ‘The Best Digital Marketing Podcasts Worth Listening to in 2022.’ or ‘10 Powerful Email Marketing Tools to Increase Your WooCommerce Sales’.

They take a core concept of solving problems, offering options or promoting products and outline them in a list format. These are incredibly popular post types and work well for SEO and on social media.

How-to Posts
How-to posts are also popular because they solve problems. For example, our ‘How to Accept Payments Online With Your WordPress Website in 2022’ offers actionable advice on a subject we know a lot about.

Here it’s more about how you say it than what you say. How-tos have to be logical and easy to follow in order to let readers of all skill levels solve their particular issue. You should also include illustrative images to help readers who learn better by seeing rather than just reading.

Tutorials and Guides
Tutorials and guides are similar to how-tos but will generally cover more than one problem. They can also be about much more than problem solving.

Our, ‘How to Create a WordPress Child Theme, Step by Step Guide’ and ‘The Complete Guide to Setting up Online Store Using WordPress and WooCommerce’ blog posts are excellent examples of tutorials and guides.

Review Posts
Reviews are fantastic as long as you really know what you’re talking about. To be able to effectively review, you need to know the subject well. Readers will quickly identify someone who is just writing from reference so save these for subjects you know a lot about.

You can review anything as long as you’re as impartial as possible and make it clear when you have a vested interest. In ‘20 Best Automotive Car Dealership WordPress Themes 2021’ we review WordPress themes, including our own Astra.

We make it clear that Astra is our product and try to be as fair and as impartial as possible when reviewing the others. You need to do the same, otherwise your audience won’t trust you.

Roundup Posts
Roundup posts are usually a collection of topics within a particular subject. It could be a collection of tips to achieve a specific goal, a collection of reviews or interviews all with the same opinion or view.

You can use something as simple as collecting questions on a similar topic from Quora or ask influencer in your industry for their opinion on a particular subject. It’s entirely up to you.

Interview Posts
Interview posts are very popular. The main challenge is gaining access to a popular figure and coming up with interesting questions to ask them. To make a success of an interview post, your questions have to be insightful, interesting and not your usual ‘how did you get started in…’ type questions.

Boring questions encourage dull answers, which will make a very poor interview. Only consider interviews if you have access to figures people will want to hear from and can ask questions people will want to know the answers to.

Infographic Post
Infographic posts were huge in 2019/2020 but have waned somewhat since. They are still popular but don’t draw the crowd or the comments they once did.

If you’re good at graphics or know someone who is, infographic posts are excellent ways of communicating concepts. or complicated ideas in an accessible way. Many of us are visual learners and infographics feed into that.

What Your First Blog Post Should Be About
We firmly believe that you should begin your blog in the same way you would begin any new relationship. With an introduction.

Whenever we meet somebody new in almost any situation, we tell each other who we are, why we are there and perhaps what we do.

The format is largely the same across cultures whether it’s a formal or informal meeting. That makes it ideal for your first blog post.

Writing your first blog post should ideally cover:

How often you’ll be blogging
You can then expand into what makes you qualified to write the blog, your background in your chosen subject, your skill level, years of experience and all those things that establish credibility.

If you’re new to the subject, admit it. You can then welcome everyone along for the ride so you can learn and develop together.

Planning Your First Blog Post
We have talked before about planning your posts and coming up with a content schedule. Writing your first blog post should use a condensed version of that.

You will eventually come up with your own process for developing blog ideas and coming up with topics. In the meantime, here are a few things to bear in mind.

Write for Your Audience
Remember we said earlier that writing a blog isn’t all about you? That’s where this piece of advice comes in. You need to understand your audience and write for them. It’s them who will be reading your blog, not you.

Your audience should be in the front of your mind every time you sit down to write. Every word, every sentence should be crafted to appeal to them. You will obviously put your own influence in there but your audience should always be front and center.

Keep a Notepad Around
Use pen and paper or use an app, it doesn’t matter. Always have something with you to record ideas for blog posts. Inspiration comes at any time so you need to be able to record them for later exploration.

If you’re always looking for inspiration for blog post ideas, Ryan Robinson’s blog can help. His post, 201 Best Blog Post Ideas has enough inspiration to last an entire year and then some!

You could have the best memory in the world but you will often forget that amazing idea you came up with while walking the dog or shopping for groceries. Recording them at the time means you’ll never forget inspiration when it comes.

Identify Keywords
SEO is always a consideration in blog writing but it should always take a back seat to entertaining your audience. Nevertheless, if you want your blog to gain an audience, you’re going to need to rank.

Perform keyword research on your topics to identify popular terms and try to weave them invisibly into your blog post wherever possible.

To rank your blog or website as a whole, read this WordPress SEO guide.

If you’re looking for a WordPress SEO plugin to help you rank, we can help with that too.

Write an Outline
You won’t always need to write blog post outlines but sometimes you will. Outlines help when you’re trying to tackle longer posts or more complex ideas. They help you organize your thoughts so they will unfold in a logical way.

Blog post outlines can be as simple as sketching out the idea and sub-headings or in loosely writing the entire post. There is no hard and fast rule here. Just do whatever works for you.

Write an Attractive Introduction
A blog post introduction should cover the what, why and how of your post. It should also briefly outline what the post covers, what the user will see or learn and then include a hook to draw them in.

If you look at the introduction of this post, we outlined what the post was about. What we would cover, what you would learn and then added a hook about successful blogging to keep you reading.

Use something similar in your own posts to draw in the reader.


With the above points, you can add value to your blog, and even if you are a beginner. You have a great chance to make your blog attractive. And readable for many customers which results in an improvement in the Google Search section.

It’s better to make a good first impression among the customers so that they keep visiting your blogs and articles and that would improve your engagement and reach.


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