Negative SEO: How to Avoid It and What to Do If You’re a Victim


Planning and executing an effective search engine optimization strategy can bring great results for your business, but there are some things that you have to be careful about when doing so. This is where results driven seo agency in Sydney represent the most common mistakes that business owners make in regards to search engine optimization is doing too much on their own, which can inadvertently harm their ranking with Google and other search engines in the process. This article will go over exactly what negative SEO is, how it happens, and how you can avoid it or what to do if you’re a victim of it anyway.

Keyword Stuffing

Perhaps you’ve heard of negative SEO—that is, when someone intentionally tries to cause your site harm. Perhaps they’re a competitor or just have it out for you. There are all sorts of nefarious tactics people can use. The worst, though, may be keyword stuffing. This trick involves adding in irrelevant keywords into your on-page content solely for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Search engines recognize these words as low-quality content and devalue sites that contain them too frequently—or in an unnatural way.

Identifying the Problem

According to well-known results driven seo agency Sydney, there are two primary issues that marketers should avoid when choosing a third-party vendor. First of all, you need to make sure that you’re not overpaying. While it can be tempting, in an effort to save money, to opt for the cheapest marketing provider in town, doing so could backfire in several ways. For example, if your company has significantly more resources than most (because it’s larger or has deeper pockets), your results-driven can increase its prices accordingly—meaning you might find yourself paying through the nose for what could have been as little as $50 of marketing if you’d played your cards right.

results driven seo agency Sydney

Overly-Promotional Content

Google doesn’t like overly promotional content. This can mean that your rankings are going to suffer if you are overly promotional on pages that are supposed to be informational. One example of an overly promotional piece of content is an About Us page that reads more like an ad than anything else. We all want our pages to rank, but it has got to be done in a way that Google sees as helpful and not simply self-promotional. So, if you are hiring an agency, make sure they don’t use salesy copy; instead, focus on what makes your business unique so people will naturally want to interact with it – rather than shoving it down their throats because they have no choice in the matter!

No-Following Links

In some cases, an accidental negative SEO attack is made possible by bad link building tactics. Unethical website owners might build one-way links that lack any context, called no-follow links. Because Google is constantly looking for poor quality signals like these in order to combat spam, negative SEO is actually a serious concern for businesses that choose not to follow its policies or make ethical decisions regarding internet marketing. To avoid negative SEO of your own from aggressive (or deceitful) competitors, run your digital advertising campaigns with a results driven seo agency Sydney, you can rest assured you aren’t doing anything illegal and protect yourself against webmasters looking to hurt your ranking by associating it with their own site via no-follow links.

Neglecting the Mobile User

Mobile internet usage has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. Nowadays, many users spend more time on their phones than their computers—and that includes searching for business info. When you create a website or optimize your content for mobile users, you’re making sure your target audience has access to your info regardless of what device they use most frequently. Neglecting mobile-user optimization (MVO) can ruin your search engine rank in two ways: by being low-quality/thin content and by not having certain attributes such as having site maps or page titles specified specifically for mobile readers.

Should You Try SEO Without Experience?

The basic idea behind search engine optimization (SEO) is pretty simple. All you have to do is make your website show up for more of your target keywords, bringing you more qualified traffic that might become customers.  So why do so many people try their hand at SEO without any experience? Because it’s tempting! There are tons of resources online about how to get started with SEO, but most of them don’t go into enough detail about what it takes to succeed—and there are some big reasons why you shouldn’t try doing it without experience. Here are three common mistakes made by first-time practitioners who don’t know better.

Source: Negative SEO: How to Avoid It and What to Do If You’re a Victim


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